Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Road to Nandi Hills

Outside of Bangalore, there is a 900-and-some year old temple on top of a hill. This area is called Nandi Hills. We went there.

Ganesha came along for the ride.

We saw cows. And monkeys. And rickshaws.

The monkeys were cute.

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  1. This picture is crazy, hopefully the one with the fangs won't spread the ebola virus! haha, I love getting a glimsp at your adventures. What did the people mean by STD in India? Hope your reaping what you sow back in PR. It's raining like crazy around here, not much sun.

    Some bad news took, Mrs. Sheats passed away. She was my favorite teacher at NMH. Did you ever have her? HOpe all is well. Cheers

  2. STD means Subscribers Trunk Dialing (I had to look it up) in India, it is some kind of phone service or payphone or something, anyways there were signs everywhere saying things like 'STD here' and 'we have STD', pretty funny. They had STD at the copy shop...

    It's nice to hear from you, sorry to hear about Mrs. Sheats though. I never had class with her, but heard good things...

    Hope you are great otherwise.
    xo j
